This are the Panchakarama Treatments.Panchakarma is purification therapy.

Snehana – Making utilize of ghee or oil internally as well as externally for smoothing and soothing effect to body. It includes Shirodhara, pizzichil, katibasti, janubasti etc. for the process of vamana and virechana Snehana is required.

Swedana – It is a pre-procedure for main panchakarma process and done mandatory before. It gives temporary as well as long lasting relief from pain.

Vamana – It is a procedure in which the vitiated doshas are spelled-out forcefully through mouth in the form of vomiting.Vamana process is intended for diseases based on kapha dosha or kaphapitta dosha. The process is generally planned to cover diseases from upper part of the body, like bronchial asthma, recurrent sinusitis etc.

Virechana – It is a purgation procedure in which the vitiated pitta or pittakapha doshas are terrified from the body. The procedure is designed generally in the diseases like piles, skin ailments, semen disorders etc.

Basti – It is the chief procedure done for Vata disorders. It is the process in which medicine in liquid form is administered in intestines via rectal route. It is the only procedure accepted and done easily at any age.

The specialty of this treatment is that it can be administered both in a healthy, as well as thediseased person. When a healthy person subjects himself to Panchakarma, it has a preventive, restorative and rejuvenative effect on the body.